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When Liposuction is Not Enough 

At the Skin and Vein Center, we understand how important it is to get the results you want. This is especially true with liposuction procedures. Patients who undergo liposuction are those who have been battling lingering, stubborn fat deposits. They have followed the best diets and undertaken rigorous exercise routines—all in an effort to attain a sleek, trim figure.

Unfortunately, there are some fat deposits that just will not respond to any amount of diet and/or exercise. Liposuction is one of the most effective methods to get rid of those pesky rolls and flabby areas. However, many people may go into the liposuction with certain expectations that are just not achievable, making liposuction results unsatisfactory.

Managing Your Expectations

This is one of the major reasons that anyone considering liposuction must take a good look at their true expectations of what results can be achieved.

First, modern liposuction procedures are not a weight loss alternative. While you may achieve a more contoured look, you will not lose a substantial amount of weight. Liposuction is also not a way to remove large amounts of fat. It is designed to get rid of fat deposits that are not responding to diet and exercise on people who are at their ideal weight.

If you are expecting liposuction to get rid of loose skin, this may be unrealistic. While some liposuction techniques, such as laser liposuction, can tighten skin to some extent, you may require other surgical procedures to get rid of a lot of loose or saggy skin.

Also, some patients may actually benefit more from a tummy tuck rather than liposuction. These are patients who do have a lot of loose skin along with abdominal wall weakness. Tummy tucks may provide more satisfactory results in these cases than liposuction would.

Getting the Best Results – Laser Liposuction

At the Skin and Vein Center, we want to ensure that each patient gets the best procedures to help them achieve the results they want. We also want to make sure that expectations are understood. We work with each patient individually to understand and help guide them toward the procedures that will best suit their cases.

If you are interested in learning more about traditional liposuction, laser liposuction, and other cosmetic procedures that can help you achieve a slimmer profile, please call us today. We will schedule a complimentary consultation where we can discuss your expectations, as well as the options that will help provide your desired results.