
Conveniently located to serve the areas of Fenton, Sterling, Livonia, MI and San Diego, CA

Smiling woman touching her hair

As you age, you start to notice some changes — a deepening of the creases in your brow and forehead, and crinkling around your eyes. Our Botox in Michigan® can help reverse the signs of aging by smoothing and erasing frown lines, crow’s feet, and other facial wrinkles. You will see a firm, more youthful look, while still maintaining your natural facial expressions.

What Is Botox®?

Botox® is a safe muscle-relaxing agent derived from Botulinum. Approved by the Food and Drug Administration, it has many different applications, though it is known best for reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Cosmetic Botox® is also used to treat migraine headaches, excessive sweating, and neurological and ophthalmological disorders.

At a Glance

  • Preparation: No preparation is necessary.
  • Procedure: A series of extremely small injections.
  • Length of Procedure: Approximately five minutes per treatment area.
  • Recovery: No recovery or downtime is required for this procedure.
  • Pain: Little to none. You may experience slight tenderness at the injection site or a mild headache.
  • Results: Wrinkle-free, smooth skin with a youthful appearance that allows your natural expressions to show through.

How Does Botox® Work

woman lying on operating table

There is no preparation for Botox®, other than identifying the areas to be treated. During a pre-procedure consultation, your provider will ask you to smile or frown to determine the natural movement of your face. A topical anesthetic may be applied; however, most people do not require this because there is little to no discomfort during the procedure.

Using a microneedle, an extremely small amount of Botox® is injected into the designated areas, with each area taking about five minutes to treat. There is virtually no after-care required with Botox®. Any minor bruising can be covered with makeup. You can drive yourself to and from your appointment, as well as returning immediately to your regular schedule and activities.


While you may experience irritation at the injection site or a temporary headache, other side effects are quite rare. Possible side effects will depend on the muscles being treated. In very rare cases, individuals have reported a temporary weakness in the injection area, drooping of the eyelid, or asymmetry of facial expressions. However, because Botox® is temporary, any side effects will also be temporary.

What to Do Before You Receive Botox®

The most important thing to do before receiving Botox® is to educate yourself on what the procedure entails and the results you can expect to see. You will need to decide exactly what area you wish to have treated and start putting together a list of questions to ask your doctor during the consultation.

What to Avoid 

The biggest thing to avoid prior to a Botox® treatment is taking medications that will thin your blood. These products will increase your likelihood of bruising and bleeding at the injection site. Your doctor should also know if you are taking any allergy medications or sleeping aids, are pregnant, or have had any recent medical procedures or toxin injections. In addition, it’s recommended that you avoid drinking alcohol for a few days before your appointment.

Questions to Ask Your Doctor 

Don’t hesitate to ask your doctor questions that will give you clarification on the procedure, risks, and cost. Some questions you may consider include:

  • How commonly is Botox® performed at your facility?
  • How much Botox® will I need?
  • Am I a good candidate?
  • What areas should I focus on?
  • When will I start to see results?


Pain Associated With Botox® 

The degree of discomfort you feel during your Botox® treatment will mostly depend on where the injection site will be. The procedure is usually done without the use of any numbing, so it’s likely you will feel the needle as it penetrates your skin. The most sensitive areas tend to be around the eyes and lips where the skin is thinner. Everyone has their own level of pain tolerance, so Botox® may be more uncomfortable for some than others. Since Botox® uses extremely small injections, our patients feel little to no pain during the procedure. Those who are more sensitive may feel the injection more than most of our patients.

FDA Approved

woman getting botox

Botox® has been around for years in the cosmetic industry and continues to be one of the most popular treatment options to reduce the signs of aging. Botox® works by injecting a neurotoxin called botulinum toxin to relax the muscles around the areas you want to be treated. This causes the disappearance of fine wrinkles, crow’s feet, and frown lines to reduce. Since Botox® has been around for so long, it has gone through continuous tests to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration. This approval ensures that Botox® continues to be a safe and effective treatment for its patients.

Potential Risks and Side Effects of Botox® 

With an experienced doctor at the helm of your injection, you can expect the procedure to be relatively safe. The toxin used in the treatment is purified before being packaged and sent to your doctor, and only a small amount is administered in Botox®. Possible side effects include:

  • Headache and nausea
  • Minor swelling
  • Mild numbness or tingling sensation at the injection site
  • Drooping eyelids or eyebrows
  • An allergic reaction
  • Bruising from the injection
  • Crooked smile

Each of these potential risks is typically temporary and will go away within a short period of time if they occur. Patients are also warned against receiving Botox® if they have a known allergy to the treatment, are pregnant or breastfeeding, have a muscle or nerve disorder, or have an infection at the injection site. All cosmetic procedures have the potential to cause uncommon side effects in patients. With Botox® injections, side effects may include a slight tenderness around the treated area and a mild headache. The headache can easily be treated with store-bought pain relievers. You have little need to worry about potential side effects from Botox®.

Quick & Easy Botox® Injections

Unlike other cosmetic procedures that target the signs of aging, Botox® injections are fast in both treatment and recovery length. Botox® treatments involve extremely small injections that can be completed in as little as five minutes. Patients can immediately return back to their busy schedules with no surgical incisions needed.


What Results Can Be Expected?

In general, Botox® can be expected to start working within a couple days. However, the most significant results can take up to 10 to 12 days to become visible. Eventually, the treatment will wear off and the skin will return to its normal structure.

How Long Does Botox® Treatment Last? 

Botox® is not permanent, and the length of time that a treatment lasts usually depends on how deep the wrinkles are and the dosage given. When used for wrinkles that aren’t too severe, the effects of the injection can last anywhere from three to six months.

How Well Does Botox® Usually Work? 

Several factors contribute to how well Botox® works on each individual patient. These include age, facial structure, nutrition, sun exposure, and how well the skin is taken care of. Repeated use will also affect how well the treatment ends up working.

Under What Circumstances Does It Not Work?  

There are rare circumstances when Botox® is not a viable treatment for some people. This may be the case if a patient’s immune system has developed antibodies to the Botox® solution. This can happen the more a person undergoes the procedure or when high quantities are administered.

For more information about Botox®, Skin and Vein Center in Michigan can help. Call today to learn more about our Botox® cosmetic procedures.


What is Botox®?

Botox® is a safe, muscle-relaxing agent derived from Botulinum. It is used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. It is also used to treat excessive sweating, migraine headaches, and ophthalmological and neurological disorders.

Who is a good candidate for Botox®?

Anyone seeking reduction of the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

What is the Botox® procedure?

A micro-needle is used to inject small amounts of Botox® into the treatment area.

What kind of anesthesia is used with Botox®?

A topical anesthetic may be applied; however, most patients do not require this.

How can I prepare for Botox®?

There is no preparation required.

What can I expect during the procedure

A series of extremely small injections.

What can I expect post-procedure with Botox®?

You will experience a smoother, wrinkle-free look within three to five days.

What is the recovery time for Botox®?

There is virtually no downtime with Botox.

What are the risks associated with Botox®?

You may experience irritation at the injection site or a headache; however, other side effects are rare.

What is the cost?

The cost for Botox® will be discussed at the time of the pre-operative visit.