Lower Eyelid Lift

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Fenton, Sterling, Livonia, MI and San Diego, CA

A lower eyelid lift, or lower lid blepharoplasty, is a cosmetic surgical procedure wherein skin and/or fat is removed to rejuvenate the under-eye. As we age, our skin loses elasticity and the ability to “spring back” into a youthful contour. A lower eyelid lift can remove pesky under-eye bags to revitalize your complexion.

Board-certified dermatologist and cosmetic surgeon Dr. Eric Seiger is the medical director of Skin & Vein Center. At our practice, he specializes in lower eyelid lifts to help patients achieve a refreshed and rejuvenated appearance. To learn more about what this procedure could do for you, schedule an appointment at your nearest location by filling out this contact form. You may also contact us directly by calling us:

All About Lower Eyelid Lift

Laxity of the under-eye can cause the patient to look older than they actually are. We relate youth with tight, clear skin and bright eyes, so visible bags can take the attention away from your prominent facial features and make you look tired.

Blepharoplasty can be performed on both the upper and lower eyelids. The former typically involves removing a small crescent-shaped amount of skin along the natural crease of the eyelid. For a lower eyelid lift, the surgeon makes a small incision within the lid, and fat is carefully removed from the fatty deposit that sits above the cheeks. For patients with “bags” or “dark circles” under the eyes, a lower eyelid lift can remedy this, rejuvenating the area in a subtle but significant way.

Signs of Lower Eyelid Aging

The line between the lower eyelid and cheek is defined as the nasojugal fold. When the skin in this area starts to age and the muscle layer underneath pulls the skin down, a noticeable crease starts to form. This can produce prominent bags and dark circles that are usually difficult to conceal. As the cheekbone loses its definition, this problem worsens.

There is a network of muscles that allows for expressions and full function of the face. One of these important muscles called the orbicularis muscle, is connected to the orbital rim (eye socket). The central fat pad located near the eye descends with age, creating more severe eye bags. A lower eyelid lift addresses this directly by removing the descending fat (1)

Skin laxity along the lower eyelid is called dermatochalasis. For younger patients, extreme excess skin in this area is usually genetic. If a large amount of excess skin is present, surgeons can perform what is called the “pinch technique” to measure the skin and mark what can safely be removed to create the desired contour. They pinch the lower eyelid skin along the bottom eyelashes and mark their predicted incisions with a surgical pen. This step allows for a precise and accurate alteration to be performed during your blepharoplasty. (2)

Benefits of Lower Blepharoplasty

Receiving a lower eyelid lift can provide the following benefits:

  • Improved appearance of under-eye bags
  • Correction of excess skin
  • Restored youthful appearance
  • Smoothed under-eye wrinkling
  • Correction of asymmetry
  • Brighter and more awake eyes
  • Minimal scarring

A lower eyelid lift often makes the patient appear well rested, boosting their confidence with a simple and effective correction. Dr. Seiger is well-versed in lower lid blepharoplasty and can help you achieve the outcome you desire.

If you are interested in other cosmetic procedures that we perform at the Skin & Vein Center, follow our blog for more information.

Am I an Ideal Candidate for a Lower Eyelid Lift?

Good candidates for lower eyelid lifts are those looking for effective anti-aging and rejuvenation for the face. If you find your dark circles to be distracting or unattractive, or you have recently noticed loose skin underneath the lower lashline, this surgery can be used to correct both signs of aging.

You must be in good overall health without underlying conditions to be cleared for the procedure.

Candidates often have the following attributes along the lower eyelid:

  • Sagging
  • Loose skin
  • Dark circles
  • Wrinkles and fine lines
  • Loss of volume above the cheek

Personal Consultation

When you come for your private consultation, be prepared to explain your full medical history, including any previous surgeries or aesthetic treatments you have recently undergone. After we determine your needs, we will explain the procedure and surgical technique in great detail to prepare you for the procedure.

This initial appointment is your chance to ask any questions you may have and voice your concerns so we can provide the best possible care for you during your surgical process. At the end of this meeting, a member of our staff will assist you in scheduling your lower eyelid lift, as well as your follow-up appointments with us.


If you are a smoker, you must quit the consumption of all nicotine and tobacco products for at least 6 weeks before and after your procedure. Refrain from taking anti-inflammatory medications before your surgery as they can put you at risk of increased bleeding.

Dr. Seiger may recommend altering your current medications or adding new ones to your routine leading up to your procedure. Steer clear of alcohol for at least the week before the surgery, and follow all instructions from Dr. Seiger closely to ensure a successful outcome. A lower eyelid lift is an outpatient procedure, meaning you will need to arrange a ride home from our facilities on the day of your operation.

Lower Eyelid Lift Procedure

Lower eyelid lifts are performed with the application of local anesthetic to numb the area. Dr. Seiger will administer this around the under-eye to keep you comfortable. He proceeds by making a small incision along the lower eyelid near the lash line. After removing fat from the under-eye carefully, Dr. Seiger sutures the incision with very thin stitches. The remaining scar is well hidden, if not invisible.

If excess skin is being removed from the under-eye, the procedure is a little different. During your consultation, we will explain the steps to take in order to tighten the skin and reduce wrinkles along the lower eyelid.

Recovery & Results

Lower eyelid lift recovery varies for each patient. Typically, we recommend cold compresses to soothe the swelling and discomfort around the eye after surgery. If your sutures are not dissolvable, Dr. Seiger will remove them after about a week. You may also be given eye drops to keep your eyes from getting too dry. Make sure to wear eye protection when in the sun.

After two weeks, your swelling and bruising should be significantly reduced. At this point, you will be cleared to go about your days as usual, while avoiding strenuous activity for another two to three weeks.

Patients can typically notice their results right away, even with prominent swelling present. Your under-eye bags will be significantly less visible and the excess skin will be tighter, giving you a rested and youthful appearance. To preserve your results, make sure to apply sunscreen any time you are in direct sunlight to avoid further photoaging.

Corresponding & Complementary Procedures

Dr. Seiger is a highly sought-after surgeon for many patients looking to receive a mini facelift. A signature of his, this procedure is a modified version of the traditional facelift that uses limited incisions to lift the face and create a youthful, revitalized appearance.

Specializing in the HourLift mini facelift, Dr. Seiger first makes a discrete incision in front of the ear to the hairline. He tightens the underlying muscles and secures them with sutures underneath the skin. After redraping the skin, he trims the excess and sutures the outside incisions. This allows for less tension on the outer layer, leading to smooth and easily hidden scars around the ears.

The mini facelift is commonly performed in conjunction with an eyelid lift as it can help the patient achieve evenly youthful results. If you are interested in a mini facelift, Dr. Seiger can provide all the information you may need during your consultation.

Cost of a Lower Eyelid Lift in Michigan

The total cost of your lower eyelid lift is completely dependent upon your procedure details, the length of time necessary to complete the surgery, and whether or not you combine the eyelid lift with other rejuvenating surgeries. We provide a thorough estimate during your private consultation.

To schedule your first appointment, call us directly at one of the numbers below, or fill out our contact form.


Is a lower eyelid lift suitable for treating tired-looking eyes?

Yes, a lower eyelid lift can effectively address tired-looking eyes. As we age, the skin around the lower eyelids can sag, creating a tired and aged appearance. The procedure can remove the excess skin and tighten the underlying muscles, giving your eyes a more youthful and revitalized look. By eliminating droopiness and restoring a smoother contour, a lower eyelid lift can help you regain a vibrant and rested appearance.

What is the best age to consider a lower eyelid lift?

The ideal age for a lower eyelid lift varies from person to person, as it depends on individual factors such as genetics, lifestyle, and overall health. However, most patients seeking lower eyelid rejuvenation are typically in their 40s to 60s. It’s important to note that the decision to undergo this procedure should be based on your specific concerns and desired outcome, rather than solely on age.

Can a lower eyelid lift be combined with other procedures?

Absolutely! A lower eyelid lift can be combined with other facial rejuvenation procedures to achieve comprehensive results. Commonly, patients choose to combine a lower eyelid lift with an upper eyelid lift (upper blepharoplasty) to address both the upper and lower eyelids simultaneously. Additionally, some individuals may opt to combine a lower eyelid lift with other facial procedures such as a facelift or brow lift for enhanced overall facial rejuvenation. During your personal consultation, we can discuss the potential benefits of combining treatments based on your unique needs and goals.


  1. Holds JB. Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty: A Procedure in Evolution. Missouri Medicine. 2010;107(6):391-395. Accessed November 30, 2023. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6188239/
  2. Rostami S, de la Torre JI, Czyz CN. Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty. PubMed. Published 2021. Accessed October 11, 2023. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK448181/