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Our “No Sweat” Special with MiraDry

Many people tend to really look forward to the warm summer months and all that comes with it. Summer is usually the season of family vacations, outdoor parties, swimming pools, recreational activities, lots of social gatherings and the chance to shed many of the bulky clothing layers in favor of shorts and tank tops. For many others, however, summer is an especially stressful month as rising temperatures make their body sweat even more than usual.

It’s normal for most people to experience sweatier days when the temperatures push triple digits, but for others, excessive sweating year-round is most apparent during those long summer months when they agonize over how they will keep their armpit sweat concealed from the rest of the world.

Overactive Sweat Glands

For people struggling with excessive sweating, their underarm sweat glands are in overdrive, soaking the pits of their shirts and even through their jackets. They may often feel too embarrassed to be as socially active as they would like. They may feel uncomfortable pursuing romantic relationships, certain jobs, or wearing clothing that they really want to wear because of their sweating problems. More likely than not, the majority of excessive sweat sufferers have tried a whole array of antiperspirants, both over the counter and prescription varieties, in an effort to combat the sweating. When these methods aren’t enough to relieve the problem, there’s a permanent medical solution available to those who qualify.

MiraDry for Excessive Sweating

MiraDry is a procedure that has improved the lives of thousands of people who are ready to rid themselves of underarm sweat once and for all. Using modern microwave technology and a handheld device, a qualified dermatologist will zap sweat glands in the armpit to disable them completely, rendering the area incapable of producing any more sweat. This procedure has meant so much to those who have undergone MiraDry and changed so much of their daily living.

In an effort to help spread the word of this life-changing procedure, we are offering “No Sweat” special where patients can undergo a complete MiraDry procedure for only $1500. This is a great deal and provides an opportunity for so many of our patients who have been considering the procedure to have it done at a great price.

We encourage potential patients who are struggling with over-active underarm sweat to contact us and schedule a consultation so that they can take advantage of this special while it lasts.