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Top Ways to Get Rid of a Double Chin

When you stare into the mirror each morning, are you happy with the face that looks back at you, or have the changes that come along with the natural aging process made you dissatisfied and sad? In addition to gray hair, wrinkles, and cellulite, you may have noticed that parts of your body have started to sag and shift, and we aren’t just talking about your backside and stomach! Cheekbones start to disappear, cheeks begin to morph into jowls, and that sharp and pointy chin that you have always been so proud of has developed extra chins of its own.

You don’t have to be overweight to have a double chin, but chances are you have already learned that very simple and very unfair fact. The double chin can just be a part of the normal aging process, and until very recently, it was something you just had to deal with. Keep reading to learn the top ways to get rid of a double chin!


Sometimes the answer can be as simple as doing a simple exercise, like tongue presses, the pout and tilt, or chin rotations. Completing multiple reps of each of these exercises can help tighten and shrink the offensive extra chins. If you’re faithful about conducting the exercises every day, however, and aren’t seeing any results, it might be time to move on to something else.

Laser Liposuction with SmartLipo

Advancements in liposuction technology have allowed the procedure to get more precise and less violent so that smaller areas of the body can benefit from the procedures. SmartLipo uses laser technology to melt the fat and tighten the skin that remains in a minimally invasive procedure that requires only a local anesthetic and can be performed on an outpatient basis. A relatively quick recovery period makes this method a highly desired one, especially if you have more than just a double chin.


The world we live in today is a wonderful one in which double chin treatments like Kybella exist. Kybella is a synthetic acid designed for removing the fat below the chin. No anesthetic is needed and there are no surgical side-effects—just a series of injections performed by a physician certified in Kybella treatment over a few month’s period. The side effects are small; in fact, most side effects are caused by improper treatment. The final results will be revealed in about 5 months, approximately the same amount of time as with liposuction!

The Skin & Vein Center Stays Current in Cosmetic Procedures

Staying up to date in cosmetic surgery procedures means you will always reap the benefits of the best in medical technology. Book a consultation with us today and discover which of the above procedures will work best for you!