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Top Vein Disease Symptoms for Each Type of Vein Disease

Some type of vein disease is likely to affect just about everyone at some point in their lives. While these conditions can often be unpleasant, they are often treatable. This is why you should be aware of the symptoms that come with many of these disorders that affect so many people. Here are some of the symptoms for the most common of these disorders.

Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are gnarled, enlarged veins and can be very common. Early on, symptoms you experience are purely visual and include veins that appear dark purple or blue or veins that look twisted. After a while, you could experience pain from the veins as aches in your legs, burning or throbbing in the muscles, itchy sensations around the veins, increased pain after time spent standing or inflammation under the skin.

Deep Vein Thrombosis

DVT is a vein disorder in which a blood clot is formed within a vein that is deep inside your body. As this disorder occurs deep in the body, you will be unable to visually detect it as you can with other vein disorders. The most common symptoms are swelling in your foot, ankle, or leg, typically only on one side. You can also experience cramping in leg originating from the calf. If you have severe and unexplained pain in one of your feet, it could be DVT causing the pain. Later on, you can experience warmth in the skin above the clot or a change in color to red, blue or pale.

Spider Vein

This is the most common of vein disorders. Spider veins are clusters of veins like varicose veins that occur closer to the skin so they are easily visible. The first sign is the appearance of a cluster of veins on your skin. You can also experience a heavy feeling in the legs, swelling and fatigue in the legs.

Skin & Vein

There are certainly more disorders of the veins, but these are far and away the most common. It is very likely that you will experience one of these disorders of the veins, so it is important to know what to look out for. Often times, it is an aesthetic problem that you can live with, but you may elect to treat the disorder anyway. There are cases when these disorders can have an adverse effect on your health and that is when it is very important to treat the problem. Contact Skin & Vein today to learn more about vein disorders or find out how you can treat your problem veins.