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Is it Thin Skin or a Clear Case of Varicose Veins?

It is an unfortunate fact of life that our bodies tend to show our age more externally than we often realize. Typically, when we think of age, our minds conjure images of hair loss, deep wrinkles, and gaining weight, but there are other, less obvious signs that give away our years—including thinning skin and varicose veins. However, it can be hard to tell the difference between thin skin and a vein disease. You may be wondering when to take action, or how to tell if you even have a problem yet.

Signs to Watch For

Luckily, there are several key signifiers that you can use to tell whether you just have thin skin or whether you have varicose veins that need potential treatment. As always, you will need to consult a professional for a valid diagnosis, but in the meantime, keep a vigilant watch for the following symptoms of varicose veins.

Vein Texture, Color, and Feeling

Varicose veins are often large, raised, and swollen blood vessels. They usually have a knobby texture, appearing to twist and turn throughout the affected area. The veins sometimes take on a dark blue or dark purple pigmentation. Most frequently, varicose veins are found in the legs, but these veins can occur in any limb or part of the body. If your legs or other body parts ache or cramp frequently, or if they feel tired, restless, throbbing, tingling, heavy, or burning, you may have varicose veins. To temporarily relieve leg pain, elevate the limb and wear support or compression clothing that will fit properly over the affected area.

Skin Discoloration

Those suffering from varicose veins may notice one or several odd skin symptoms. Varicose veins often have skin with brownish-yellow discoloration that appears shiny. Additionally, the skin above the blood vessels may be dry, itchy, or red in color. You might also note an increased pigmentation or darkening of the skin color on the body part in question—particularly if there are varicose veins in your ankle region.

Reaction to Minor Injuries

Varicose veins often cause abnormally large amounts of bleeding in the affected area. You may also discover that injuries you would have previously considered minor are now taking longer than normal to heal completely. Finally, ulcers (or large sores) are a common indication of varicose veins.

It’s Not Vain to Worry About Varicose Veins!

While varicose veins are rarely ever a cause for true medical concern, they are often unsightly, embarrassing, and a nuisance to deal with. Why let them hold you back from enjoying yourself? Ask the experts at Skin and Vein for a proper diagnosis today and put your mind at ease. Skin and Vein offers the most cutting-edge treatments for varicose veins that are guaranteed to solve the problem and soothe your self-consciousness.