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Have You Taken a Look at Your Hands Lately?

Whether you find yourself getting older or you’re suffering from the side effects of pregnancy, menopause, being a little overweight, or having a job that requires long periods of standing or sitting, you may start to see unsightly veins protruding from different areas of your body—particularly your hands. As we age, the skin and fat on the backs of our hands (also known as the dorsal area) diminishes, making it easier for problem veins to rise to the surface.

Blood vessels of this nature tend to fall into one of two categories: varicose veins or spider veins. However, it is also possible for a person to have both types of vein issues present at once, with varicose veins often causing spider veins to occur. Varicose and spider veins are not normally life-threatening, thankfully, but they do tend to cause discomfort, self-consciousness, and embarrassment for affected individuals, leading them to seek treatment. In order to assess your best options for treatment, you’ll first need to establish the type or types of vein ailment you are experiencing.

Identifying Varicose Veins and Spider Veins

Varicose veins are large, raised, and swollen blood vessels that twist throughout the affected area. They can be knobby in texture, and sometimes appear to be a dark purple or blue. The skin above these veins may have shiny, brownish-yellow discoloration, or may exhibit redness, dryness, and itchiness. You might also find minor injuries to the area taking longer to heal or bleeding more than normal.

Similarly, spider veins are like varicose veins in that they are also raised and tend to twist and turn, only they are smaller and often more noticeably red, blue, or purple in color. In clusters, spider veins may take on the appearance of a bruise.

Treatment Options

Depending on the type of vein issue involved, there are multiple treatment options—both surgical and non-surgical. Non-surgical solutions are often less expensive and easier to access, while surgical options often produce better results. In the end, it comes down to the treatment that you’re most comfortable with.



The side effects and risks for surgical procedures are the same as those for any surgery performed under anesthesia, such as nausea, vomiting, scarring, blood clots, and wound infections.

Unfortunately, with the exception of using compression gloves and making lifestyle changes, all of the treatments listed above, both surgical and non-surgical, have the potential to scar or discolor skin.

Don’t Let Hand Veins Hold You Back!

Your hands are not only your best tools, but the easiest indicator of age and health. Take care of them and they’ll take care of you! Seek out the experts at Skin and Vein today to find out more about what you can do to combat unseemly spider and varicose veins.