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How Much Do You Know about Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins can come across as somewhat of an enigma to the average person. Some people say that these unsightly, bulging veins are harmful and harmless, are caused by and cured by exercise, are covered and are not covered by insurance—the list goes on. So, how do you separate fact from fiction? What are the real answers to questions regarding severity, causes, and symptoms?

Below, we at Skin & Vein have compiled a list of five things that may surprise you about varicose veins. We hope this information may curtail your uncertainty regarding this pesky condition and help you make an informed decision when seeking treatment. Read on to learn more!

Varicose Veins Are Caused by a Number of Factors – And Not the Ones You May Think

There is no one definable cause for varicose veins, though many myths have circulated regarding potential causes. People point to crossing your legs, exercising, pregnancy, getting older, genetics, and weight as primary triggers for varicose veins, but in truth, it can be a combination of these things, or by none of them at all. The rigid muscles in your legs prevent leg veins from being affected by crossing your legs, while exercising actually helps prevent and alleviate varicose veins by increasing blood flow and keeping down weight.

Meanwhile, other factors such as being pregnant or having varicose veins run in your family do not guarantee by any means that the condition will happen to you, though it does put you at a higher risk. Obesity and weight gain also put you at risk and can exacerbate varicose veins, but again, they do not guarantee that you will develop them. As for getting older, not every aging person develops varicose veins, and there have been surprising cases where young people have been affected by the condition.

Varicose Veins Can Happen to Anyone, at Any Age

As we mentioned previously, varicose veins are not an inevitable sign of aging. Not every person entering their golden years has to look forward to this unsightly phenomenon, nor are young people completed immune to the risk of varicose veins. Additionally, it is also a common misconception that varicose veins only develop in older women. While women are more commonly affected by the condition, men can also have varicose veins.

Closing Off Damaged Veins Does Not Lead to Problems Later in Life

The human body is an amazing thing; it relies on veins as a vital form of transport for blood, which is essential for life. It would seem logical that any tampering with this important network of blood vessels would cause your body harm, but because your body is so intuitive, it can easily adapt by increasing blood flow to healthier veins and compensating for the closed-off vein.

Varicose Vein Issues Can Go Deeper than Aesthetics

You may have heard that varicose veins are just a cosmetic issue, but that’s not exactly accurate. Unfortunately, most varicose vein sufferers develop problematic and uncomfortable symptoms, such as swelling, cramping, throbbing, heaviness, and aching in the limbs—most commonly the legs—affected by the condition. Severe itchiness and dryness of the skin covering varicose veins may also occur, as well as less common symptoms like skin discoloration and thickening, bleeding, and ulcer formation. People with varicose veins also have a greater risk of developing deep vein thrombosis, a type of dangerous blood clot. As with any medical condition, seek the advice of a licensed medical practitioner before actively pursuing treatment.

Your Insurance May Cover Varicose Vein Treatment

There are real medical symptoms and concerns associated with varicose veins. While insurance companies will decide the amount of coverage given on a case-by-case basis, most insurance companies will cover your treatment options. However, be sure to check with both your doctor and your insurance company prior to beginning any treat.

The Experts at Skin & Vein Are Here to Help!

At Skin & Vein, we take pride in helping people overcome varicose vein issues, which are not only unsightly, but can also cause health problems. Contact us today to learn more about varicose veins and the treatment options available to you.