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Micro-Needling: What Is It and How Can It Help You?

Many people have heard of micro-needling and may have some questions about just what the procedure is and what it can do for them.

What Exactly is Micro-Needling?

Micro-needling, also known as Micro-Needling Collagen Induction Therapy is a skin resurfacing procedure used to treat wrinkles, stretch marks and acne. The result of the treatment is fresher, clearer skin. Areas and conditions that can be treated or improved through micro-needling include:

• Fine lines and deep wrinkles
• Oily skin
• Scars
• Stretch marks
• Dyspigmentation (abnormal skin pigmentation or coloring)
• Sagging skin
• Large pores

What is the Micro-Needling Procedure?

The procedure is minimally invasive and does not generally require any anesthetics, aside from a gently numbing cream that is applied to the treatment area. During the micro-needling procedure, an electronic pen-shaped device using tiny needles repeatedly punctures the skin of the treatment area. Subsequently these micro pinpricks will then stimulate the growth of elastin and collagen, which in turn will increase the tightness of the skin. Additionally, some micro-needling treatments will apply growth factors harvested from the patient’s own blood for increased results.

What Can Be Expected Post-Procedure from Micro-Needling?

Patients may experience mild swelling and reddening of the treatment area, which will usually subside within one to two days. Outside of the short period of time it may take for the swelling and/or redness to subside, there is no downtime or recovery period to the micro-needling.

The first effects of the procedure will usually occur within two weeks; however, it may take several months for the full effect to appear.

Are There Any Risks and Who is a Good Candidate for Micro-Needling?

One risk of this procedure is a chance of infection; however, this is very rare. As far as candidates for micro-needling, it is interesting to note that it is unlike other skin resurfacing techniques, including laser resurfacing, which can only be performed on certain skin types and colors, micro-needling can be performed on any skin type.

If you are interested in micro-needling and how it can help you achieve firmer, more youthful skin, please contact Dr. Seiger and his knowledgeable staff at the Skin & Vein Center. They will be happy to answer all your questions, as well as provide more information about this and any other cosmetic procedure you may be interested in.