Lip Treatments for a Full and Radiant Look

The concept of physical beauty is a constantly shifting standard that’s incredibly specific to individual preferences. It’s a common desire amongst men and women alike to want to make adjustments or alterations to certain areas of the body that don’t quite match up with what we have in mind for our own aesthetic ideals. While the human body is truly a canvas of potential, the lips tend to be an area of concern for many people. This facial feature often acts as a central focal point out in the world due to the natural positioning of the lips. For some individuals, fine lines and wrinkles that develop over time around the mouth leave them feeling less than youthful. When these developments are severe, they can begin to play a part in feelings of self-consciousness out in public. Others are simply looking for lips that are more voluminous to create a physical aesthetic that’s a touch more vibrant in their daily lives. Whether changes are desired in the name of reversing the natural aging process or in pursuit of a look you love more, there’s a variety of solutions out there when it comes to lip treatments for a full and radiant appearance, such as lip fillers. Patients who team up with the professionals at the Skin and Vein Center will find our long list of treatments and services to be just what you need when it comes to attaining a look that fills you with confidence.

Lip Fillers

Once upon a time, fat transfers were the preferred route to filling lips with increased volume, but today, more patients than ever before are going the way of lip fillers which provide successful, safe, and long-lasting results. Where fat transfers required a more invasive approach to lip structure, lip fillers offer a more streamlined solution. Injectable dermal fillers provide an efficient route to lip augmentation that can fill in those fine lines and wrinkles that show up over time as well as plump your pout significantly. Hyaluronic acid fillers are now the most common product on the cosmetic market and have come to replace collagen injections that were popular in the past.

Understanding the Filler Process

Patients who elect to have dermal fillers placed will be able to undergo the process in the comfort of the attending physician’s office within a relatively short time frame. Upon arrival, a topical numbing cream is applied to the treatment area on and surrounding the lip. The dermal fillers are then injected directly on-site with little discomfort to the patient. While some redness at the treatment area is to be expected following treatment, most patients report minimal to no discomfort at all following the procedure.

Benefits of Lip Fillers

Not only are lip fillers quick and simple to inject, but they come with long-lasting and successful results that are sure to be satisfying to patients. Many patients find that fillers last up to 6 months before follow-up injections are required. Additional fillers can always also be placed between primary sessions when a fuller look is desired. Options to pick and choose injection times give patients the power and flexibility to enhance their look at will. While patients who receive lip fillers love the fact that they erase signs of aging such as eliminating those fine lines and wrinkles, these injections also provide shape, structure, and volume to lips with immediately visible results.


One of the most popular products on the market when it comes to lip fillers is Juvederm. This injectable gel filler is suitable for patients over the age of 21 and results in fuller lips as well as the removal of perioral surrounding lines and wrinkles. Juvederm is also a popular choice for patients looking to pair lip augmentation with deep filler injections along the cheekbones.

Contact Us Today

When you’re curious if lip augmentation is the right option for you, or simply want to know more about our many cosmetic services and treatments, be sure to contact the Skin and Vein Center today. Our professional team is always available to answer questions and provide insight into the many health and cosmetic benefits of the work we do. Reach out to learn more or to schedule your initial consultation.

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