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Lip Enhancements from Skin & Vein

Since 1990, the Skin & Vein Center has been offering a variety of lip augmentation procedures to help improve your overall appearance. Lip enhancements are a quick and cost-efficient way to fill in lost volume and reduce the signs of aging. We have partnered with some of the top brands in lip injections to provide our patients with quality care they need for maximum results.

Quality Brands You Can Trust

There are many lip enhancement products available on the market, each providing a specific level of improvement. At Skin & Vein Center, we use Juvederm and Revanesse Versa+, two of the most popular and sought-after brands for lip enhancement. Both injections are FDA approved after going through rigorous testing to ensure patient safety. Juvederm and Revanesse Versa+ use hyaluronic acid as the primary ingredient. This chemical fills in lost volume in the lips that has disappeared with age.

Preparing for Your Procedure

Preparing for your lip enhancement procedure is easy. Simply stop any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication such as aspirin 24 to 48 hours before the procedure. This will help reduce any potential bleeding and bruising during the procedure. If you have experienced cold sores recently, make sure to continue taking your preventative medication as the injections can cause potential flare-ups.

Lip Enhancement Procedure

Receiving your lip enhancement procedure is as simple as showing up to our office, as lip enhancement procedures and quick and efficient; the injections can take as little as 15 minutes. For every lip enhancement procedure, we use a strong anesthetic that is applied as a topical cream. This anesthetic lets you continue to have control of your mouth and lips while minimizing the pain significantly.

Potential Side Effects and Results

As with any other cosmetic procedure, your lips may need a few days of rest. Potential side effects of our lip enhancement procedures include some mild swelling, tenderness, and redness. These side effects usually subside within 24 to 48 hours, after which you will be able to return to your normal routine. Our lip enhancement procedures will provide noticeable results immediately after the swelling has gone down. For the full effect, wait approximately two weeks for your lips to settle and see how incredible they look.

Prior to the procedure, you will be able to discuss the results you want with your technician. Typically, our lip enhancement procedures aim to provide a natural and proper alignment of the lips. This is done by considering the size and shape of your face. We can also provide further augmentation if you are looking for bigger lips. The procedure can work with just one lip—perfect for those looking for the right pout—or both lips. Your initial consultation will help provide the information we need for your procedure. Our lip enhancement procedures are the perfect way to get the lip size and shape you want.

Long Lasting Results

Expectations for how we look can change over time; this is especially true for the size of lips we want to have. Results from our lip enhancement procedures typically last between six months to a year. The hyaluronic acid used in the procedure is slowly dissolved by the body naturally. Some individuals’ bodies dissolve the filler faster than others. Eventually, your lips will regain their initial shape prior to your treatment. Renewing your lip enhancement is easy and can help maintain long-lasting results. If for some reason you wish to remove the results, we can help dissolve the injection even faster. Lip filler removal is done with an injection of hyaluronidase, a natural enzyme that dissolves the hyaluronic acid within 24 hours. We understand that our patients may wish to change the way they look, so we provide multiple ways to help you find the end result you want.

Cost Efficient Procedure

Perhaps the most important aspect of our lip enhancement procedure is how cost effective it is. We now offer an incredible rate of $300 for each lip enhancement treatment. You can now maintain long-lasting results at a fraction of the price charged by our competitors. There is no reason to skip out on this incredible treatment through the Skin & Vein Center.

Schedule Your Consultation

If you are ready for great looking lips, make sure you call for your free consultation. We will create an individualized plan based upon what you are looking to achieve. Our technicians will ensure our lip enhancement procedure is right for you before you pay anything. Call today and get ready to get the perfect-sized lips in as little as 15 minutes.