Kybella at the Skin & Vein Center

The Skin & Vein Center is now offering another great service to our patients who are looking for the most effective, modern cosmetic treatments to improve their appearances and their lives. We are excited to now offer Kybella treatments performed by Dr. Seiger for patients who are looking to get rid of their stubborn double chin once and for all.

Kybella is an FDA approved drug that dissolves fat deposits offering relief for those who have been suffering from a double chin for years, even though their exercise and diet habits may be top notch. Kybella is similar to the deoxycholic acid that the body produced naturally and destroys fat cells safely and effectively when administered by a trained physician. This alternative to liposuction surgery is more affordable and just as effective.

Most patients suffering from a stubborn double chin feel quite self-conscious about the condition and could benefit from Kybella. The amount of Kybella treatments will vary patient to patient with most patients able to see optimal results from two to three treatments in total spaced a month apart.

Kybella treatments are virtually painless and take about 15 minutes to complete. Patients are able to enter the doctor’s office, undergo the injections and leave within half an hour. Kybella is injected under the skin directly beneath the chin. The area will be numbed prior to the injections but no anesthesia is required. Patients may receive upwards of 50 total injections per session.

Before undergoing a Kybella treatment, you should make sure you don’t have an allergy to deoxycholic acid, an infection around the area that will be treated, any trouble swallowing, a thyroid disorder of any kind, a history of surgery on your chin or neck, swollen lymph glands, or a blood clotting or bleeding disorder such as hemophilia.

Patients should also let their doctor know if they are pregnant or planning to get pregnant before undergoing a Kybella treatment as it is unknown how the drug will affect an unborn baby.

Dr. Seiger and the team at the Skin & Vein Center are taking new patients for the Kybella procedure and we encourage you to schedule a consultation with us to learn more about this FDA approved drug and how it can improve your appearance in just a few short sessions. You don’t need to learn to love your double chin, we can help you get rid of it for good!


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