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How a Chemical Peel Can Help Your Appearance

As we get older, dead skin cells will accumulate on our skin and take away that fresh glow you have seen before. The longer these skin cells build up, the less of a youthful appearance will be noticed. Help your skin look its best again with a chemical peel to take away these years of buildup. Not only will you be looking young again, but the chemical peel can also treat a variety of skin damage.

The Benefits of a Chemical Peel

To start off, chemical peels offer a variety of benefits for those looking to make their faces appear more youthful and reduce the appearance of skin blemishes. Chemical peels can reduce the appearance of freckling, fine lines, sun damage, active acne, and acne scars. Chemical peels will also brighten the skin and improve your overall tone and texture.

Preparing for a Chemical Peel

Leading up to a chemical peel, it is important to keep your skin clean. We may ask you to perform a regular regimen using skin cleansing agents to clear your skin. Chemical peels use a special formula to remove the superficial layer of skin. This may include tricholoroacetic acid, hydroquinone, glycol, or a combination of the three. Our physician will determine the strength of the chemical peel to be used depending on the results you are looking for. Chemical peels can be done in light, medium, or deep levels of skin treatment.

Light and medium chemical peels do not require any type of anesthesia, while patients receiving a deep peel may receive a topical anesthesia for comfort. Our physicians will apply a chemical solution to the treatment area. The outer layers of skin will begin to peel immediately as you experience a cool or warm sensation. Some stinging may be felt depending on the level of your treatment.

Following Your Chemical Peel

Most patients will experience some redness and a possibility of scaling following their chemical peel. Medium and deep peels may leave you with blisters, swelling, and peeling that can be dealt with through ointments and creams. Expect to have a sunburn-like appearance for a few days. It is critical to follow all aftercare instructions given to you by your physician. Refrain from prolonged sun exposure during the healing phase and apply sunblock with at least SPF 15 when you go outside. In a few days, you will see the beautiful, clear skin emerge and enjoy the full results of your chemical peel. Chemical peels are a great way to look younger, so call Skin & Vein today to see how you can benefit from this incredible procedure!