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Have You Seen a Dermatologist Recently?

We all have so many appointments to keep track of each year that it can be difficult to find the time to schedule a dermatologist screening or follow up. Nowadays there is a medical professional for hundreds of different disciplines. Frequent dermatologist appointments are recommended for those who consistently experience skin troubles or have a family history of skin disease. These frequent screenings can help us keep our skin looking and feeling great.

What They See

When most individuals think of a dermatologist, they usually think of skincare for common conditions like acne. Many adolescents and adults experience acne, making it a common occurrence to make an appointment. However, dermatologists attend to more than just common skin conditions. Dermatologists are able to review and treat most parts of the body including your skin, hair, and even nails. Any time you experience a sudden change in one of these three areas, it is time for you to make that appointment.

Other Common Dermatology Needs

Dermatologist often see a variety of conditions that frequently require a follow up. For hair, men and women are seen for itchy and red scalps. Most individuals may think it is a simple condition that requires little thought, but it can actually be a condition called scalp psoriasis. Hair loss is another common condition that dermatologists are able to assist with. Dermatologists are experts in hair loss and can help you find the primary reason for the cause.

Other conditions that often require dermatology follow up include skin cancer scares. Anytime an individual experiences excessively bad sunburns, new skin growths, or mole changes, it is important to see your dermatologist.

Help Your Skin Look Great

If you are experiencing aging skin, getting treatment can start with a simple dermatology appointment. Check out the variety of options dermatologists are able to provide before more drastic treatments are needed. Our skin can be impacted in a multitude of ways, so seeking the guidance of a dermatologist can help you achieve healthy-looking skin again.

Get Your Treatment Today

If you are experiencing any of the conditions discussed here, make sure to seek treatment with the Skin & Vein Center. No skin condition is too little or too big for our dedicated team. Call today and schedule your free consultation and see how our services can help you.