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Get Beach Ready Legs with Permanent Laser Hair Removal

Summer is almost here! Do not let more time slip by; it’s time to get your legs beach-ready just in time for swimsuit season. Skip the shaving and let us help you achieve permanent hair loss on your legs with our incredible laser hair removal treatments in Michigan. Here is what you can expect:

How Laser Hair Removal Treatments in Michigan Works

Our laser hair removal treatments use laser energy that is passed over your legs and absorbed by pigmentation in your hair follicles. This disables them in less than a second for a quick and easy treatment. While laser hair removal treatments on the legs can take longer than treatments on other areas, you can be in and out of the office in less than an hour. Multiple treatments are needed to experience the full range of benefits from laser hair removal, as each treatment targets a new cycle of hair growth. By the time of your third treatment, the dormant hair follicles in your skin will eventually be broken down, providing you with the most dramatic results.

Following Your Treatment

The first step following your laser hair removal is making sure your skin stays moisturized with our special skin care line. Your legs will be cleaned and applied with this skin care line before you leave the office, making sure you are ready to take on the rest of your day. Some patients may experience mild swelling or redness along their legs after their laser hair removal treatments in Michigan, but should this fade throughout the day.

Why Choose Laser Hair Removal

If you want to free up time in your day by eliminating shaving, laser hair removal is the way to go. Our series of treatments allows you to achieve silky smooth legs that will look incredible in any swimming suit. Over time patients will be able to save thousands of dollars by not having to purchase razors and shaving cream or gel. Our prices for laser hair removal include up to six treatments that can be completed over two years. Do not just get your legs ready for summer this year, but for every summer after that as well!

Time for Laser Hair Removal

If you are ready to experience the incredible benefits of laser hair removal, give us a call for your no-obligation consultation. We will ensure each potential patient can experience the benefits of laser hair removal before you start up treatments. Give us a call today and see how laser hair removal with Skin & Vein Center will give you beach-ready legs in time for summer!