Five Reasons Mini-Lifts are Your Best Option

Maybe you had better things to worry about than that sunburn that has graced your cheeks more than a few times. Age is the great equalizer, and eventually—sometimes sooner, sometimes later—you’re going to realize that cosmetics and sunscreen aren’t hiding the issues any longer. It might be time to look into cosmetic procedures; we can help with a mini-lift!

Overwhelming Variety of Choices

Chances are, if this is your first time considering a cosmetic procedure of any kind, you might be a little overwhelmed at your options. Cosmetic centers can do everything from skin peels to mini-lifts to a full-on face lift. How will you know what’s best for you? Fortunately, you have the Skin& Vein Center on your side to guide you through your choices, and the mini-lift is the clear winner!

Save the “Big Guns” for a Later Date

You’re still young, and going for the full facelift now would be like bringing a gun to a knife fight; it’s too much, too soon! Start small and work your way up. It’s entirely possible you may never have to go for the full facelift if you keep ahead of the aging process!

Fewer Incisions Require Shorter Recovery Periods

Chances are you are in the prime of your career, and because there is less bruising, less swelling, and less time involved in the procedure, you can get back to normal life activities—including work—far sooner than with a full lift.

Less Chance of Complications

Mini-lifts are performed with a local anesthetic, eliminating the potentially dangerous side effects of general anesthesia while still reducing pain.

Less is More – Mini-Lifts Allow for a More Natural Looking Aging Process

We’ve all seen the reality shows with the wives whose faces look plastic and unnatural. The mini-lift allows you to look more natural; don’t be surprised at the compliments you will receive on your glowing skin!

Confidence Will Make You Look Even Younger

The confidence you will project upon completion of your mini-lift will do more for your youthful appearance than having to undergo major surgery complete with a general anesthesia!

The World of Cosmetic Surgery Can Be Confusing

So many choices, so many options. Isn’t it nice to have someone you can trust sit down with you and give you the straight truth? That’s what we are here for. Schedule a consultation with us today and let’s start this journey to youthfulness together!

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