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What is Eczema: Eczema Myths and Facts

Eczema is a common skin condition that can be seen as inflammation of the skin that causes an itching sensation. More than three million individuals are diagnosed with eczema each year and treated by a physician. Even with how common eczema is diagnosed, there is still a lot of misconception around its cause and effects. Here are some common myths and facts for you to understand: what is eczema?

Just Like Acne – Myth

Eczema is a completely different skin condition than acne. This misconception may be due to some medications that cause eczema or make eczema worse. Eczema takes on the appearance of tiny blisters that can eventually weep or ooze if not treated. Other symptoms also take the form of crusted skin and thick plaques. Your doctor should know which medication is right for you.

Women Develop Eczema More Than Men – Fact

Eczema is more prevalent in men than women across the country. Eczema typically develops in early childhood in children between two to six months old and fades by the time they turn six. While many children outgrow this condition, a small percentage will continue to be affected by eczema through adulthood.

Can Get It Just by Touching Someone with Eczema – Myth

Eczema is not a contagious condition, so do not feel scared about touching someone who has it. There are several internal and external factors than are eczema causes. Internally, you are more likely to develop it if there is a history of eczema in your family and you are allergic to foods such as dairy, wheat, citrus, eggs, nuts, seafood, and preservatives. Stress can also be a leading factor in developing eczema. Externally, allergens such as pollen and food items or irritants can cause eczema to develop.

Eczema Can Lead to Emotional Strain – Fact

Eczema causes are not only physical changes, but can create long-standing emotional problems in those who suffer from this condition. Severe forms of eczema can lead to hospitalization and place strains on relationships. “Flare-ups” can also lead to patients having to miss work or school when the symptoms are debilitating.

Don’t Ask What is Eczema: Get Treated Today

If you suffer from eczema, make sure to call our office to schedule your consultation. We can help you treat all forms of eczema and help you feel better about your skin again. Dr. Seiger and his team at the Skin & Vein Center are standing by for your call. Get treated for eczema today!