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5 Signs of Aging and How to Treat Them

One thing that we cannot escape is age; it comes for us all at some point. No matter how hard we try, aging seems to be just around the corner. Luckily, there are several different cosmetic treatments that can help reduce the impact and appearance of aging on your body. Here are five signs of aging and how we can help you treat them:

Dry Skin

One of the first and most noticeable things you will notice about aging skin is how dry it ends up becoming. Dry skin only gets worse over time, and you’ll need to continue moisturizing it during your daily routine in the morning. Make sure to pick out moisturizers that work well with your skin care needs.

Sun Damage

Our skin spends much time in the sun, and with that comes sun damage. Keep your skin looking and feeling healthy by wearing much needed UV sunscreen. UV related sun damage can begin in just 15 minutes under the bright sun. Sun damage can start to appear on your skin through the appearance of sunspots, wrinkles, and other fine lines. Injectable treatments can help reduce the appearance of these sun damage symptoms.

Loss of Skin Elasticity

How elastic our skin looks and feels can deplete over time as we age. This can be seen as the appearance of rougher looking skin including premature wrinkles and spotted skin. Collagen depletion is most likely the culprit for this sign of aging but luckily can be fixed with a variety of injectable treatments. Collagen injections can help your skin look and feel soft again.

Surface Line Wrinkles

One of the most noticeable aspects of our aging skin is the appearance of surface line wrinkles. Whether they are fine lines or deep furrows, these wrinkles can require more aggressive treatments to look younger again. A variety of injectable treatments are available that will help you reduce the appearance of wrinkles with ease.

Dehydrated Skin

One of the last signs of aging you might notice is your skin looking and feeling dehydrated. How is this different than dry skin, you might ask? Dry skin is missing natural oils, while dehydrated skin is lacking water. One thing to consider is that your body may not be able to keep up with the alcohol intake of your 20s, and the effects of that can be seen on your skin. Make sure to follow a healthy diet and reduce your intake of alcohol to have your skin looking and feeling the best it can.

Look and Feel Great with The Skin and Vein Center

The Skin and Vein Center is here to help you fight the signs of aging and feel better in your own skin. Contact us today to learn how our advanced cosmetic treatments can help you regain your youthful appearance!